Message from professors
Professor Koji Ikeuchi

We are promoting research and education such as disaster prevention and countermeasures against water-related disasters,
adaptation measures to climate change due to global warming etc., river management, crisis management utilizing ICT etc.,
river environment conservation and restoration. We will contribute toward implementing and increasing safety awareness
in the society. In addition, by effectively combining Earth observation data, numerical models, socioeconomic data,
developing science and technology to combine the information. It is possible to contribute the invention of knowledge
to solve global environmental problems and contribute to the international community. We have aim to induce public interests.
Website(Research Map) 日本語 English
Project Professor Akiyuki Kawasaki

We conduct R & D to promote data integration in water circulation and water related fields, in order to organize and
systematized scientific knowledge, implement it in society, and create public interests. We also focus on supporting
developing countries through research and development.
To download CV(PDF) Website Blog:Kawasaki Group News
Associate Professor Takeyoshi Chibana

Students and teachers work together to gain the necessary knowledge for students and visit as many river basins as possible,
processing the field measurement data, understand the phenomena found there, and propose solutions from standpoint of
river engineering and environmental research.
To download CV(PDF)
Associate Professor Yohei Sawada

We are exploring new technology to observe the current state of both natural and social spaces (e.g., weather, hydrology, transportation and economics), predict its future and control social infrastructures based on the prediction to protect our society from crises such as floods and droughts. We are investigating statistical mathematics to integrate numerical simulation and observation data to deepen our understanding of the coupled nature-social system. Let's enjoy the cutting-edge of engineering research in which basic science is applied to social issues!
Assistant Professor Masashi Minamide

My research interests lie in exploring the predictability of weather system and deepening the understanding of their dynamics using the latest observational, modeling, mathematical, and statistical methodologies. During my doctoral study, I have conducted research through building a platform to assimilate all-sky infrared satellite radiances using an ensemble Kalman filter with convective-permitting models, developing new methodologies required for cloud-affected radiances assimilation, and investigating their impacts on the predictability of severe weather events such as tropical cyclones.
CV(PDF) website Research map
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7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Faculty of Engineering Bldg. #1 / #11, Hongo Campus, The Univ. of Tokyo
River and Environmental Engineering Labratory