Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo 

River and Environmental Engineering Labratory

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Professor Koji Ikeuchi

Realization of a safe and prosperous society by disaster prevention and countermeasures
Focus on disaster prevention and mitigation against water-related disasters. Try to find adaptation method considering climate change under global warming. Use ICT on river management and risk management. Conduct research and education on reserve and reconstruct river envrionment.
Development of risk assessment method of water related disaster and proposal of strategic disaster mitigation methods

Analyze the damage situation of water-related disasters that occurred in recent years, identify risks that may become apparent is apparent, develop risk assessment methods, and systemize risks.

Proposal of adaptation methods considering climate change under global warming

Due to climate change accompanying global warming, the frequency of heavy rain will increase in the future and the risk of flood damage will also increase. On the other hand, it is expected that the economic activities of the company will change due to the declining population in Japan. Based on these circumstances, we will forecast how flood risk will change due to future natural and social environments, and propose adaptation methods from both hard and soft perspectives.

Development of new river management / crisis management method utilizing ICT and etc.

As the risk of floods increases due to climate change, the diversity and complexity of people's needs also increases, but the number of experienced technicians has declined. In order to tackle the problem, a new river management method using ICT, IoT, drone, LP and satellite image is developed.

recent research results (latest 5)  boldface & underscoreare lab members
results arehere, theses arehere

  • Chinami Yamagami, Koji Ikeuchi, Satoshi Watanabe.(2018)大規模水害時の高齢者施設における人的被害の軽減効果を考慮した避難支援方策, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol75, 【受理】
  • Shinji Tokioka, Koji Ikeuchi, Kenta Otsuka, Katsuhiko Uonami, Kotaro Ishii.(2018)アンサンブル気候予測実験データを用いた適応策としての治水対策の経済的評価, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol75, 【受理】
  • Koji Ikeuchi, 関根敬, Mikio Kawashima, Teppei Mogi, 吉田喜高, Atsushi Sakamoto, 中須賀淳, 小峰正(2018)LPデータを活用した立退き避難を特に優先すべき地域の把握手法の開発, 河川技術論文集,24, 481-486
  • Yosuke Nakamura, Koji Ikeuchi, Shiori Abe, Toshio Koike, Shinji Eto.(2018)中山間地河川における洪水予測と予測水位誤差 ー平成29 年7 月九州北部豪雨を例としてー, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.74, No.4, I_1177-I_1182
  • Koji Ikeuchi(2017)河川行政における自然環境の保全・復元に関する政策の実装過程の解明と今後の課題. 河川技術論文集, 23, 567-572

  • Project professor Akiyuki Kawasaki

    Generating public interest through data integration
    Promote research on data integration in water-related field. Systemize scientific knowledge and produce it to the society.
    Simulate the inflow of power generation dam with high accuracy. Develope dam operation technique in order to improve power generation efficiency while mataing the flood control function.

    In order to mitigate flood damage with extrem rainfall, the cost of power generation dam pre-discharge and the cost of damage due to unpredicted rainfall are compared. The flood control ability of power generation dam is therefore clear to the public.

    Development of dam operating technique considering power generation and flood control in developing countries

    In developing countries with data scarcity, the satellite data, in-situ data and numerical model are used to predict flood in semi-real time. And a supporting system on power generation dam operating is developed considering flood control effect downstreams.

    Social response on water-related disaster and disaster mitigation methods

    Analyze the relationship between disaster and poverty in developing countries. Clerify the impact of flood on different social class from different department. With the integration of field investigation and inundation analysis, the strategy on local development is produced considering flood risk and residents' properties.

    recent research results (latest 5)  boldface & underscore are lab members
    results are here, theses are here

  • Moiz, A., Kawasaki, A., Koike, T., Shrestha, M. (2018) A systematic decision-support tool for robust hydropower site selection in poorly gauged basins. Applied Energy, 224(15),
  • Kawasaki, A., Henry, M., Meguro, K. (2018) Media preference, information needs, and the language proficiency of foreigners in Japan after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 9(1), 1-15.
  • Taihei Haga, Akiyuki KawasakiKoji Ikeuchi (2018) 水資源開発をめぐる反対運動における争点の変遷と社会情勢との関連の分析.水文・水資源学会誌, 31(5), 350-363.
  • Genki Kawamura, Akiyuki Kawasaki(2018)貧困層を考慮した洪水氾濫域の開発支援策の検討: ミャンマーでのケーススタディ.水文・水資源学会誌, 31(2), 83-93.
  • Kawasaki, A., Ichihara, N., Ochii, Y., Acierto, R.A., Kodaka, A., Win, W.Z. (2017) Disaster response and river infrastructure management during the 2015 Myanmar floods: acase in the Bago River Basin. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 24, 151-159.

  • Associate professor Takeyoshi Chibana

    Understand and maintain our beautiful landscape and culture through potamology
    Establish and spread an innovative potamology focusing on river-building and river-activation which are suitable for next generation. Find strategy to maintain beautiful landscape in our country and the whole world.
    Explain the mechanism of river morphology and landscape in our country

    Be aware that the river landscape is not always static. It actually changes together with the local society and historical process. Try to understand the differences and analyse the reason of this change will help to forcast the change in the future.

    Understand the features of people and land in mountainous areas, alluvial fan, meandering area and delta

    It's important to understand the relationship between river landscape and people living there. From this point of view, it's also meaningful to analyse the relationship of flood risk and micro topography, channel properties. Understand the agriculture, forestry and fisheries condition and analyse their influence on the river landscape.

    Investigate the activation of local residents in river. Propose strategy for future activation.

    The situation of our rivers is getting worse these years. And those who care about that are getting old as well. In order to educate and cultivate young generation for river maintenance, we are discussing strategy on promoting education and experience among primary school students and arouse residents' concern about river.

    recent research results (latest 5)  boldface & underscore are lab members
    results arehere, theses are here

  • Masafumi Yamada, Takeyoshi Chibana, Satoshi Watanabe.(2018)水害統計に基づくリスクカーブ生成による全国一級水系の水害リスク評価, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.75
  • Masafumi Yamada, Takeyoshi Chibana, Satoshi Watanabe.(2018)水害統計に基づく市町村スケールでの水害リスク評価手法の検討, 土木学会論文集G(環境), Vol.74, No.5, I_273-I_284
  • Tomoaki Hiroo, Masafumi Yamada, Daisuke Harada. Takeyoshi Chibana.(2017)流域地質と河道特性に着目した扇状地における土地利用特性の解明, 河川技術論文集, 23, 335-340
  • Yu Oshino, Kenichi Yamazaki, Takeyoshi Chibana.(2017)河川整備計画策定プロセスにおける住民関与手続きの活性化要因に関する分析, 河川技術論文集, 23, 347-350
  • 秦夢露, Takeyoshi Chibana, Daisuke Harada.(2017)砂州の形状および礫構造が植生域の分布特性と安定性に及ぼす影響, 河川技術論文集, 23, 699-704

  • Project Lecturer Satoshi Watanabe

    Development and usage of forcasting system for a better future society
    Establish and spread an innovative potamology focusing on river-building and river-activation which are suitable for next generation. Find strategy to maintain beautiful landscape in our country and the whole world.
    Usage of climate forcasting system in hydrological field

    To forcast the climate change in hydrological field, it's necessary to have fully usage of climate forcasting information from climate field. Despite the techinique of tranforming information from global scale to local scale, development of technique getting knowledge from forcasting in large-scale region is also undergoing.

    River/basin environment under climate change and depopulation condition

    The river/basin evironment is largely affected by climate change and depopulation. Researchs are taken out to understand this impacet to water cycle and basin.

    Understand the impact from natural environment and social economic to local society

    Local societies in mountainous region and islands are especially sensitive to natural environment change (like climate change) and social economic change. It's important to understand the influence of future change. Researches are taken out in these regions in order to solve problems about tourist industry.

    recent research results (latest 5)  boldface & underscore are lab members
    results arehere, theses arehere

  • Satoshi Watanabe, Miyuki Nakamura, Nobuyuki Utsumi.(2018)アメダス観測点を対象とした d4PDFバイアス補正降水量データセットの開発, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.75,
  • Miyuki Nakamura, Satoshi Watanabe, Akiyuki Kawasaki.(2018)人口減少と資産分布変化を考慮した気候変動下における洪水被害推定, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.75,
  • Watanabe. S., N. Utsumi, H. Kim. (2018) Projection of the changes in weather Potentially affecting tourism in the Yaeyama islands under global warming, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), Vol.74, No.5, I_19-I_24
  • Satoshi Watanabe, Nobuyuki Utsumi.(2018)大規模気候予測情報類型化に向けたd4PDF日本域降水量の特徴の把握,土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.74, No.4, I_169-I_174
  • Satoshi Watanabe, Masaomi Kimura, Yukinaga Nishihara, Mie Gomyo, Keigo Noda, Shinichiro Nakamura.(2017)Long-term effects of flooding from typhoon No. 9 2009 in Sayo, 水文・水資源学会誌, 30(6), pp386-394

  • MENU
